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Remote Access SCADA solutions for your control systems

SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) software and hardware are essential components of automated control systems. Remote access to SCADA systems can be instrumental in controlling the operations of a plant or industrial facility. FlexiHub is a software solution that offers a simple method of accessing SCADA components over a network to enable remote support.

Start a free trial of FlexiHub by clicking the button below. Read on to learn about the benefits of establishing remote SCADA access.


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Remote Access SCADA solutions
ndustry 4.0 status Industry 4.0 status is not possible without creating remote access to SCADA. The goal of implementing remote access to SCADA is to reduce on-site repair costs, facilitate data exchange, increase competitiveness and simplify the decision-making process. Flexihub guarantees reliable security, which is an important factor when choosing a solution for remote access to SCADA

Remote SCADA control and monitoring security

SCADA provides system control information in an operator-friendly format. SCADA systems occupy the top level of industrial automation technological solutions. Remote SCADA access is necessary for businesses looking to modernize and compete in future markets.

Several aspects of the remote SCADA system access security need to be considered.

Are the network connections to your plant floor encrypted?

Encrypted network connections
It is crucial to ensure the security of all network information. Therefore, selecting a remote access SCADA solution with high-level encryption is paramount.

Have you configured a virtual private network (VPN) for access to the office network or plant floor?

Virtual private network
If you have, it is highly recommended to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance security. MFA reduces the probability of a hacker gaining access to the SCADA system using compromised credentials. The threat actor would need your credentials and mobile device to subvert security.

Is third-party software involved in providing remote SCADA access?

If so, care must be exercised regarding the security of the chosen software solution. There have been instances where third-party software was compromised with leaked passwords, allowing hackers to gain access to the enterprise network.
Third-party software
The Electronic Team has developed the following two solutions to establish remote SCADA access.

SCADA remote access with Serial to Ethernet Connector

Serial to Ethernet Connector is a software solution that virtualizes network-attached serial devices such as PLCs, HMIs, industrial control equipment, and other types of peripherals so they can be accessed remotely. Integrating Serial to Ethernet Connector with the software component of a SCADA system enables communication between the control center and remote, network-connected serial devices.

Serial to Ethernet Connector unifies access to an organization’s control systems and devices attached to COM or serial ports. Many types of industrial equipment support connectivity through a COM interface. The software solution is beneficial to any organization that needs to connect to remote SCADA systems.

Serial to Ethernet Connector can be directly integrated into your existing SCADA system with its OEM/SDK. The software development kit provides the functionality needed to access COM ports remotely in the SCADA system. Our team offers additional development to address specific operating systems and requirements.

Serial to Ethernet Connector

Contact us for a free demonstration of the options available with the SDK

SCADA remote access with FlexiHub

The Electronic Team offers another remote access solution called FlexiHub. The software offers multiple benefits for providing remote SCADA monitoring and offers flexible pricing plans. FlexiHub can be used to implement SCADA remote access or be incorporated into an IoT system.

An example of a SCADA remote control usage scenario would be to allow a PC running FlexiHub to access remote SCADA devices over your internal network or the Internet. Following are some of the advantages of working with Flexihub for remote SCADA solutions.

  • FlexiHub supports any type of IP-based network. The software works equally well on a LAN, WAN, or the Internet and allows you to perform SCADA remote monitoring from a network-connected computer.
  • FlexiHub secures data transmission with 256-bit SSL encryption to maintain the security of your plant and its devices. The tool supports use with virtual private networks (VPNs) and NAT network addressing.
  • Companies of any size can take advantage of FlexiHub’s variable pricing plans that are based on the number of connections you need.

Implementing remote SCADA access with FlexiHub

Use the following steps to connect a SCADA system over the Internet with FlexiHub.

1. Registration

Register for a free FlexiHub account and use the demo to ensure you can access the devices that are part of the SCADA remote control environment.

2. Installing for server

Install FlexiHub on a computer or virtual machine that will be used to access remote serial interfaces and their attached devices. Start the app and sign in with the previously created FlexiHub account.

3. Installing for client

Install FlexiHub on the computer that will be accessed remotely. Launch the app and log in with the same FlexiHub account credentials.

4. Success

You can now establish remote connectivity to the SCADA devices or HMIs attached to the network.
It’s that easy to implement SCADA remote access and effectively manage serially-attached devices with FlexiHub.


4.8 Rank based on 386+ Reviews

What is remote SCADA and how to secure it?

The difference between thick and thin clients must be understood for a discussion of how remote access is implemented in SCADA systems.
SCADA Thick Clients
Thick Clients - The computer or computers on which SCADA software is installed is considered a thick client. All SCADA/HMI implementations require the use of at least one thick client. Their purpose is to communicate with RTUs and PLCs while logging process data. A thick client can be used as an operator workstation or a development node.

Configurations of two or more thick clients can be used for redundancy if one fails and to synchronize historical data. Advanced software solutions such as VTScada support bi-directional synchronization to protect alarms, configuration settings, and historical log information.
SCADA Thin Clients
Thin Clients - Thin clients are the devices used to perform SCADA remote control and monitoring. Authorized users can use smartphones, tablets, or networked computers as thin clients. In many cases, the SCADA platform allows any device with an HTML5-compliant web browser to act as a thin client. A thin client cannot replace a thick client as a SCADA server. Thin clients are also widely used to provide a flexible and efficient operator workstation solution.

Best Practices for Implementing SCADA Remote Access

Organizations that choose to implement remote SCADA access should strongly consider adopting the following best practices.
Use strong encryption

Use strong encryption

Protect data transferred between SCADA servers and thin clients with strong encryption protocols. Preferred protocols include Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Ensure that no login credentials can be decrypted and recovered by threat actors. That’s why FlexiHub is a good solution for remote SCADA access.
Use strong encryption

Implement a firewall

A physical or software firewall is essential to control network traffic and should be implemented even when remote SCADA is not a consideration. Firewalls should be used to supplement the security features built into many SCADA platforms.
Use strong encryption

Design screens to address different device types

Efficient use of SCADA remote access requires interfaces tailored to the devices on which they will be used. Thin client software needs to address the screen size limitations of tablets and smartphones. Screens should be designed to facilitate operator use and present the most important information clearly.
Use strong encryption

Use a static IP address or dynamic DNS forwarding

The use of a static IP address of a reliable dynamic DNS forwarder will eliminate the need to notify users of IP address changes forced by your ISP. Productivity is enhanced by not requiring operators to constantly update IP address configurations on their thin clients.
Electronic Inc.
Careful consideration should be given before implementing remote SCADA access over the Internet. While there are operational benefits to providing remote access to SCADA equipment, there are also security risks involved with allowing access from outside the facility. Don’t take unnecessary chances if there are no compelling reasons to implement remote access to the SCADA system.